KDG Historic Project Update (as it relates to COVID-19)

KDG Historic Project Update | March 19, 2020

Kraemer Design Group has been continually monitoring the COVID-19 situation, especially as it pertains to the health and safety of our staff, vendors and clients. Like many employers, we have implemented remote work policies for the majority of our team—with a small handful remaining in the office to ensure our systems are operational. We are maintaining optimal levels of communication and productivity through our top-notch technology stack, while maintaining the physical distancing necessary to reduce the spread of novel coronavirus. Many of our clients, consultants, peers and government agencies are doing the same.

With that in mind, we want to take a moment to update our partners about the evolving situation and, in particular, how it will impact our historic tax credit work—a topic several of our clients have inquired about. Like so many of us, staff at the National Park Service (NPS) are now working remotely and are largely limited in the files they can access, as tax credit applications are still submitted on paper. Consequently, there is reduced ability for NPS officials to review the current docket of applications, and even intake new applications. For this reason, NPS has requested State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) hold all material until business as usual can resume.

The good news—Michigan SHPO is still processing new cases for the time being, and we are advising our clients to continue sending these applications as projects allow. Knowing this unprecedented situation will undoubtedly result in a backlog of cases, we feel it is important to get in the queue now, so future delays are kept to a minimum.

We understand historic tax credit application approval is vital to our clients’ ability to secure funding, and our team is working at full speed to continue processing these forms ourselves. If you have any questions about this process or how it might affect your project, please reach out to Kraemer Design Group at (313) 965-3399.

Wishing you health and safety,

Bob & Maureen Kraemer, Brian Rebain
Principals, Kraemer Design Group