Act Now to Reinstate Michigan’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit

We’ve shared our interest in reinstating Michigan’s historic preservation tax credit with you before, and now is the time to act! With the November elections behind us, it is more important than ever to reach out to Governor Rick Snyder and your local representatives to show your support for this legislation.

The Michigan historic preservation tax credit legislation (Senate Bill 469) is still awaiting action in the full House. If it is not passed this year, it will need to be reintroduced next year, despite passing in the Michigan state senate 36-2 with broad bipartisan support and passing out of the House committee.

It is critical to contact Governor Snyder and show your support for the state historic tax credit – a vital economic tool for developers and homeowners alike. This legislation makes historic preservation more attainable and preserves our cultural heritage for future generations.

E-mail the governor at governorsoffice@michigan.gov, call him at 517-335-7858 or send a letter to Governor Rick Snyder, P.O. Box 30013, Lansing, MI 48909.

If you’re unsure what to write, the MI Impact Coalition and Michigan Historic Preservation Network have created sample letters and provided facts for your use and reference.

You can also contact your local representative to show your support for this legislation – find your representative here. Additionally, your representative can write a letter of support for SB 469 and share it with Governor Snyder.

Finally, you can ask your mayor and city council to pass a resolution to support the tax credit. Communities across Michigan have passed resolutions supporting the tax credit, but we still need more to show the vast statewide support for this legislation.

Download a sample resolution from MIImpact.com or include this link in your email to your local representatives. You can also see a list of municipalities with passed resolutions in support of the tax credit here.

The more widespread support we can show for this legislation, the better! Show lawmakers you support this invaluable development and preservation tool by following the MI Impact Coalition on social media:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/miimpact2018

Twitter: @MIImpact2018

Instagram: @MIImpact

We know countless buildings have been saved in our state thanks to the historic tax credit, and there are others that could be saved if the credit was revived. Do your part today to help bring this historic preservation tax credit back to life in Michigan.